A Retirement Visa in Thailand is a long-term visa that allows the holder to stay for one year in Thailand. A Thai Retirement Visa is available for foreign nationals who are over 50 years of age, and seeking to retire in Thailand.


Retirement Visa Information


A Retirement Visa

A Retirement Visa in Thailand is a long-term visa that allows the holder to stay for one year in Thailand. A Thai Retirement Visa is available for foreign nationals who are over 50 years of age, and seeking to retire in Thailand. If you are already in Thailand and need to apply for the Thai Retirement Visa, it is officially known as a Non-Immigrant O Long Stay Visa.


In order to secure a Retirement Visa, you must fulfill the financial requirements: A security deposit of 800,000 Thai Baht in a bank account in Thailand for 2 months before the visa application.

A monthly income of 65,000 Thai baht. A combination of the security deposit and annual income of 800,000 Thai baht.

To apply for a Retirement Visa in Thailand, you will need an original passport with a minimum of two years validity. Another necessary reqjuirement are:

  1. An original bank book from a Thai bank account
  2. A rental agreement or ownership documents of current residential address
  3. Your bank statements from the last 6 months as well as a confirmation letter with the current baht amount in the Thai bank account.

The Doctor Visa can assist with the renewal of the Retirement Visa every year. It is possible to renew this visa type for an unlimited number of years.

How to Apply


Get in touch with us for more information on how to apply for the visa, what are the requirements, process and cost. Simply drop us a message below. If you are looking to visit Thailand for a different purpose, click here to see the different types of visas available for foreigners.

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